I would've kicked myself for years for not getting a picture with the Easter Bunny! I kept saying all week we needed to find a bunny and I forgot. I went to buy formula and there he was.....The Easter Bunny!!
Landry had her first trip to church today. She didn't make it through, though. She slept all through the singing and as soon as it got quiet she woke up. She wore a lovely polka dotted dress that my friend Donna got her. She was so cute!
The Easter Bunny brought her a big bunny! In her bunny pictures she's sporting her My First Easter outfit from Carters. Enjoy the pictures and Happy Easter!
So last Saturday morning we got up and drove to Moanahans, Texas because Brian wanted the boys to see the Sand Hills. The baby got sick and we decided she must get car sick. On Sunday we drove to Big Spring and saw Brian's grandfather. He was really happy to see us and meet Landry. She threw up there, too.
On Monday, I got up and put Landry in her cute, cute, St. Patty's day dress. Luckily, we got her picture before she puked on it and I called the doctor about the baby, he said she should be fine and to stop every couple of hours to feed her and let her streak. WE got to Beavers Bend, OK (we rented the same cabin we did last summer). It was raining and we were under a tornado warning. On Tuesday it rained, and rained, and rained, (you get the idea) and Landry puked and puked and puked. By Wednesday it cleared up and Brian took the boys hiking. I stayed home with the baby because she was still puking.
We ended up having to take her to the only doctor within a 50 mile radius. He looked like he stepped out of a Led Zepplin concert. Black ripped t-shirt, ripped blue jeans with a chain wallet......yep, I'm not kidding. He said she had a bug and to give her pedialyte.
Thursday it was warm so we went hiking and Landry threw up more. Today we came home, the end.
So last night Natalie, Jason, their girls Annalynn, & Ellla, plus Jessica, Matt, and baby Olivia came over for a long overdue get together. It was the first time we've all seen each other in a while. We had a great visit and the two girls just loved the babies. Here are some pictures of them!
Well, we got more snow today. Can you believe it's March and it's snowing....Twice in one week no less.....that's nuts!! Scout went outside and built a snowman. We stayed inside and watched through the window and he started throwing snowballs at us. We took some pictures of Princess Landry today, too. She can hold her own weight when she stands up....who would've tought that at almost 10 weeks old! We got some really good shots of her standing, but they came out way too dark and you can't see.
We all got together and went to Shogun last night for Toby's birthday. Can you believe he is going to be 11 years old on Monday.......Time flies! We had a great time. Dad, Anne, Judy, Clark and Craig all came. Enjoy the pictures!
Landry had her 2 month appointment yesterday. Brian took her because she was getting shots. I don't do shots. She's growing like a weed. She weighs 10 lbs. 8 oz (40th percentile) and is 23 1/4 inches long which is the 76th percentile! I hope she'll be tall and not a runt like me.
It was also her first day at Miss Vera's Daycare. She did fine, I was the one that boo hoo'd when I dropped her off. Miss Vera kicked me out the door. Once I got to work I didn't even have time to think about it. They kept me really busy.