Sunday, September 21, 2008

Scout's Game at Texas Stadium

So Scout had his first football game of the season yesterday at Texas Stadium, home to those famous Dallas Cowboys. His team didn't win, but they had a lot of fun. How many kids get the chance to say they played at Texas Stadium and have sat on the same benches as Terrell Owens and Tony Romo! It was definitely a once in a lifetime game! Scout is #91 and plays left tackle. Landry did real well, she was watching everything going on intently.

When we got home, Brian went to get gas, but never made it there. He turned the corner and this kid, maybe 13 years old, darted across the street on his skateboard. Only he never made it. He slammed right into the side of the Suburban and knocked the side mirror clear off with his head. Brian slammed on the brakes and thought the kid had fallen under the car and that he ran over him. Praise God, it knocked him backwards. He chipped his tooth, but said he was OK. By the time the police got here, the kid and his grandpa had left to go pick up tacos. The police advised we needed a report detailing what happened because the dad advised them he would not speak to them, that he's hired an attorney because Brian ran over his son. Thankfully, the police report totally contradicts this and the police advised the grandparents and dad that the boy didn't have the right away and it's clear that Brian didn't hit stay tuned.

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