Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Just so everyone knows.....

I don't want to be accused of not telling everyone so here it is. Last night (11/26) we spent the evening in the hospital having my labor/contractions stopped. I got home and we went to dinner. By the time we got home the contractions were so close I decided to call the doctor. She told me I was probably dehydrated and to drink some water and lay down for about a hour. She said if I was still having them to go ahead and head to the hospital to check checked out.

Well, I couldn't make it a hour. 20 minutes later we're off to the hospital. The contractions were coming close and strong. They watched me for about 2 hours and finally decided to give me drugs to stop it. I had dilated a bit more since my visit last week to the doc, but none while I was hooked up on the monitor so they finally let me come home.

Toby was bored to death and Brian was intrigued by the monitor and was so encouraging.....NOT!!! His comments about how that contraction didn't look so bad or that one looks like it hurt did not make me smile. I told him that was a trial run and if he makes comments like that when the time is real I will kill him.

Anyway, all is well today!


Unknown said...

That baby is just ready to meet the world! Take it easy and keeping eating good. We'll see you real soon!

Kevin and Becky said...

I'm glad everything is ok, Robyn! Just keep her in until we get there for Christmas, ok?